IMPARATO “Dear Legacy”...a spiritual one...Let’s try to find inside our mind and soul a feeling of gratitude for any gift, relief, even for just a single, precious one. Gratitude for any dear persons who did accompany us. Those people who preceeded us, first of all our parents, any fine “teacher”, and those simple and generous kind of persons... Some periods in our lifetime are right, in particular, for us to find out those gifts, to feel a strong help that already has been and still continues, and we become able to feel an intense gratitude. A natural thankfulness as a sentiment that is a benefit for us. To me, who became a father, a daddy in an advanced age, it is easy and natural, now, beeing able to realize, estimate the reliefs, the gifts, evey good teachings, that I couldn’t see clearly in my youth. Helps and sake from my father Luciano, musician, continues to be palpable, evident to me even though he, phisically, is no more with us. When a friend of us, musician Guido Manusardi, encouraged me to work on this musical album, but also in several events of my music and modest humanity, I felt once again that along our way we aren’t alone, on the contrary, if we are able to recognize it, we are walking our way with, at our side, the people, the companions who gave us good sentiments, and to whom we felt and feel love. Andrea
Imparato, saxes & flute Andrea Imparato, sax, flauto (flute) Nato a La Spezia nel 1956, insegnante tecnico. Esperienze musicali vissute al fianco di molti musicisti. Qui vorrei ricordare Bobby Durham, Gianni Cazzola, GuidoManusardi. Incoraggiato dal papà Luciano, cantante, violinista e contrabbassista a muovere passi umani e musicali. Dopo molti anni di dedizione a i “classici”, propongo repertori con mie composizioni. Born in La Spezia in 1956, several musical experiences side by side with many artists. Hereby I wish to recall Bobby Durham, Gianni Cazzola, Guido Manusardi. Encouraged by my father Luciano, singer, violinist, bassist in movin’ forward for human and musical steps. After several years spent playing “jazz classics”, I propose repertories with themes of mine.
Un breve accenno ... del nuovo CD ... "buon ascolto"
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